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What is Med Pay?

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Posted on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014 at 7:30 pm    

Med pay is called medical payments coverage on an insurance policy. This coverage will pay for reasonable expenses incurred for necessary medical expenses due to bodily injury caused by an accident.

It is not required that you carry med pay on your policy in all states, although it is very beneficial. Typically the charge for this coverage is small compared to the benefit you can receive if you are ever in an accident. If you are injured and insured under the med pay policy, then you are entitled to this benefit regardless of fault.

Medical payments coverage typically helps pay for:

  • Doctor visits
  • Hospital visits and/or stays
  • Surgery
  • X-rays
  • EMT and ambulance fees

Having a Med Pay policy is very beneficial. Sometimes it can take months for an at fault insurance company to settle a claim and these incurred expenses paid, but with Med Pay these expenses can be paid prior to a settlement, thus not causing credit issues for unpaid billing.