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Backup Cameras Save Lives

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Posted on Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 at 7:11 pm    

In a recent ABC News report, safety advocate Susan Auriemma talked about the dangers of vehicles and backover injuries and deaths. Auriemma’s three-year-old daughter darted behind her vehicle as she was backing out of her driveway and was injured as a result. Thankfully her daughter was not killed, but others are not so lucky. To view the ABC News report, click the following link:

ABC News Rear View Camera Report

Every vehicle has numerous blind spots, and the mirrors on vehicles can only see so much. Too many children are killed each year because of a simple safety feature which should be standard equipment on each and every vehicle—the backup camera.

Statistics from KidsAndCars.org show that as of August 29, 2013, there have been 42 backover deaths and 32 frontover deaths of children under the age of 14 since January 2013 because vehicles were not equipped with rearview (or frontview) cameras to show what cannot be seen directly in front or behind a vehicle. Most, if not all, of these deaths are preventable. Since 1991, more than 3000 children have lost their lives as a result of non-traffic related auto incidents, most of which are backover-related deaths.

Write your congressperson or senator and demand that backup cameras become mandatory for new cars. Until cameras on vehicles become mandatory, you can do what you can to protect your children and grandchildren by purchasing an easy-to install after-market camera and monitor for your vehicle. A minor investment today could save a life in the future.